♒ △ I was there for the red, I am for the brown, and i will be for the white ❤
Chiar dacă, de-a lungul timpului părul Arianei a trecut prin anumite schimbări, caracterul i-a rămas același.Aceeași fată adorabilă care își iubește fanii necondiționat. ♡ Poate că mulți nu știați dar părul Arianei a avut de suferit din cauza vopsirilor frecvente pe care a trebuit să le suporte de-a lungul timpului cât a jucat în serialul Victorious.Părul a început să i se deterioreze și de aceea Ariana folosește acea coafură ponytail * care oricum pentru mine este adorabilă * . Este singura care îi poate acoperi extensiile de păr.
❝Since people give me such a hard time about my hair I thought I’d take the time to explain the whole situation to everybody.I had to bleach my hair and dye it red every other week for the first four years of playing Cat [on Victorious]…as one would assume, that completely destroyed my hair. I now wear a wig on Sam & Cat. My real hair is back to brown and I wear extensions but I wear it in a ponytail because my actually hair is so broken that it looks absolutely ratchet and absurd when I let it down.I tried wigs, they looked RIDICULOUS. Tried a weave because I am working on a new project and want to try some different looks and literally wanted to rip my scalp
off.So as annoying as it is for y’all to have to look at the same hairstyle all the time, it’s all that works for now (AND I’m comfortable for the first time in years). And trust me, it’s even more difficult for me to have to wait forever for my natural hair to grow back and to have to wear more fake hair than every drag queen on earth combined. So PLEASE gimme a break about the hair (or just don’t look at me lol). IT’S JUST HAIR AFTER ALL. There are way way way more important things. Love ya’ll very much.❞ - a explicat Ariana acum ceva timp <3